Date Night Bath Salts

  • $21.95
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Roughly 320g bags. Enough to make two generous baths 🛁✨


Our Date Night Bath Salt Blend includes 

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil*

Praised for its sweet and pleasing scent, the essential oil extracted from the beautiful yellow flowers of the Ylang Ylang tree can help improve libido and enhance romance in the bedroom thanks to its powerful relaxing and soothing qualities. Ylang Ylang essential oil can be beneficial for those who experience stress due to workload, depression or life circumstances. 

Clary Sage Essential Oil*

Clary Sage is a renowned antidote to mild depression, anxiety and stress. It is also useful for helping us recover from nervous fatigue. Clary Sage is valued as a remedy for women and can help stabilise our mood that fluctuates with hormone cycles.

*Dried Rose Petals

Because who doesn’t love a few rose petals to add to the romance?

Dried Orange Slices

The orange slices in our bath salts aren’t just for decoration.. The citric scent of oranges is known to be very good in relaxing the mind and beating stress. It also helps relieve mild aches and pains in the body that makes it a perfect addition to a relaxing bath 🛁 🍊

 Pink Himalayan Salt

Advocates say that Himalayan salt is able to generate negative ions in the air, creating the type of calming effect many people experience on a saltwater beach.

Magnesium Flakes

Helps to restore your body’s magnesium levels, restore muscle function, replenish electrolytes, reduce bodily stress and fatigue, promote good mood, and reduce inflammation


*Certified Organic Ingredients 

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